Friday 1 February 2013


this story is from facebook what someone wote..
Part O3

???-I'm Prod

You-What Happened....Why Does My Head Hurt So Much

Prod-I Asked You If You Needed A Ride And When You Were About To Answer You Slipped And Fell And Went Uncouncious

You-Oh Okay.........Thank You For Helping Me Out I Think Ill Be Going Now

Prod-Are You Sure?

You-Yes My Um... Boyfriend Is Probably Worried

Prod-Okay I'll Drop You Off

2O Minutes Later

You-Thanks Prod*gets out the car*

Prod-Here's My Number If You Need Anything*hands it to you*

You-Okay Bye See You Later*smiles and walks in the house*

Ray-Where Have You Been!?

You-Somewhere*walks away from him*

Ray-If You Don't Answer Me I'll.......

You-What Hit Me I'd Like To See You Try

Ray-I Was Just Worried

You-Ray You Know I Love You I'm Tired Of You Hurting Me

Ray-Just Please Don't Leave Me

You-Okay Ray*you hear noises upstairs*What The Fuck Is That!?


You-Ray If That's Another Girl I'm Leaving You*goes upstairs looking all over*

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 this is a next story!
Part O4

-Your Running Upstairs Looking For What Made That Noise Until You Got To The Room

Ray-Baby Its Nothing*stands infront the door*

You-Move Out My Damn Way!*pushes him then opens the door*What?

Ray-I Got You This For Our Anniversary Last Night*picks up the puppy*

You-Now I Feel So Stupid.....I'm Sorry For Thinking You Were Cheating Ray

Ray-Well I Don't Except Your Apology

You-Baby I'm Sorry What Can I Do To Make It Up To You*kisses him*

Ray-Well Maybe We Can Do Something*he pushes you down on the bed gently and starts kissing your neck*

You-*bites your lip*You Wanna Do This

Ray-Of Course*pulls off your shirt*

You-I Love You Ray*kisses his neck*Collapse this post
this is from fb ......

Part O5

-You Looked And Saw.....

You-looking at the phone and whispers*He Fucking With Someone Else And They Got A Kid!*walks out and packs your stuff and leaves Ray a note

The Note Say

Ray,We Are So Through.I Don't Even Wanna See You Anymore.This Is Good Bye

-You Called Prod To Come And Pick You Up.You Were Quiet The Whole Way To His House

Prod-You Wanna Tell Me What Happened

You-I Trusted Him,And He Hurt Me...That's It

Prod-You Deserve Way Better Than That*sits on the couch*

You-You Know For Someone I Barely Even Now,Your A Pretty Nice Guy

Prod-Thank You*smiles*

You-Now I Gotta Find A Place To Stay

Prod-Why Not Here

You-You Serious? 
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